Management Team
With implementation of job management systems such as TQM, ERP, MES, HRM, and data management system of ISO, our multidisciplinary team is efficient in both internal information flow and actual manufacturing process. We also provide regular training and workshops to various grade of employees to upgrade their skills.
Executive Directors
Mr. CHAN Tsan Lam (陳燦林), is the founder of our Group. Mr. Chan is an executive Director, Chairman and chief executive officer of the Company. He is primarily responsible for formulating corporate strategies and overseeing the overall business management and operation of our Group. Mr. Chan is also a director of all our subsidiaries.
Mr. Chan has over 30 years of experience in marketing, strategic planning and business management in the manufacturing industry.
Ms. Poon Po Han Lisa (潘寶嫻), joined the Group in May 2008 and became a Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary on 8 March 2018. Moreover, Ms. Poon has been appointed as an executive Director from 28 May 2019. Ms. Poon is primarily responsible for financial planning and management and overseeing the accounting department of our Group. Ms. Poon has extensive experience in financial management, accounting and taxation. She is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, an associate member of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries and an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.
Ms. CHAN Yin Yan (陳燕欣), is our executive Director and the Chief Operating Officer. Ms. Chan is primarily responsible for overseeing the overall management of business and operation of the Group and responsible for the marketing of the Group. Ms. Chan joined the Group in June 2013 and has been responsible for managing part of the business and developing the Group’s customer base and is the key personnel in developing the Group’s e-cigarette business.
Independent non-executive directors
Mr. Ng Chi Wai (吳志偉), has been appointed as an independent non-executive Director of the Group from 28 May 2019. He is a fellow member of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and a member of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Mr. Ng has over 15 years of experience in auditing, accounting and corporate management. He has worked at the audit department of two international accounting firms and he has held senior management positions in different listed companies. He is currently an executive director of a professional consultancy service company.
Mr. HUNG Chun Leung (洪俊良), is an independent non-executive Director of the Group. Mr. Hung is currently a partner of Messrs. Terry Yeung & Lai, Solicitors. Mr. Hung has approximately 20 years of experience in handling legal matters in the areas of conveyancing, mortgage finance transactions, commercial contracts, acquisition of shares, matrimonial cases, civil litigation and estate agents disciplinary inquiry hearings.
Mr. CHAN Bing Kai (陳秉階), is an independent non-executive director of the Group. Mr. Chan is the co-founder of Arts Electronics Co., Ltd and has over 40 years of experience in the industry of manufacturing electronic products.